New art

Been away for awhile

Being an artist is no easy task. Fun, but not easy. I’ve sold only one painting and a handful of cards. And that’s OK.

My goal now is to get exposure. Not sure how I’m going to do that (I’m researching), but I decided to jump in the deep end of the art pool and create a piece of work for Coos Art Museum’s “Sense of Place” exhibit. Fifty people get either a hot press or cold press Arches artboard to create something that, to them, depicts the Coos Bay/North Bend/Charleston (Oregon) area.

So I created the one above, of a cable ship that came to port in mid-August. It was leaving Coos Bay at sunset. Figured I’d enter it and see what happens. The scary thing is that I know at least three other people who signed up ahead of me are very accomplished artists. My artwork next to theirs will look like tinker toys next to Victorian architecture. But that’s OK, too — I’ll get there someday. For now, I’ll settle for at least a little exposure.

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